Organizational Behaviour is the most established and yet most engaging book of its kind available today. Whatever your background, Buc and Huc will enable you to view organisations and their action…
The role of HRM in developing sustainable business organizations is increasingly attracting attention. Sustainability can be used as a principle for HRM itself and the tasks of Sustainable HRM are …
Sustainability Accounting and Integrated Reporting deals with organizations’ assessment, articulation and disclosure of their social and environmental impact on various groups in society. There …
In today's global business environment it is no longer acceptable that a corporation does well simply by doing good. It is expected. With increasing pressures from stakeholders to improve the botto…
This book offers 32 texts and case studies from across a wide range of business sectors around a managerial framework for Sustainable Business. The case studies are developed for and tested in exec…
Do you know who the best people in your team are? Have you got a clear idea of how much they deliver? Many companies still proclaim that ‘Our people are our most important asset’, yet fail to …
Anyone who has spent time in an organization knows that dysfunctional behavior abounds. Conflict is frequently avoided or pushed underground rather than dealt with openly. At the same time, the sam…