Economics by Paul A. Samuelson and William D. Nordhaus remains a gold standard in economics textbooks, providing a comprehensive and engaging introduction to the field. Its clear explanations, real…
Internationally renowned economist Paul R. Krugman, joined by Maurice Obstfeld in later editions, delivers a comprehensive exploration of international economics in this acclaimed textbook. "Inter…
Macroeconomics: Principles & Policy by William J. Baumol and Alan S. Blinder stands as a cornerstone of macroeconomic textbooks, offering a comprehensive and engaging introduction to the field. Its…
This book provides a concise overview of the current context and types of public sector audit and the varied structures within which public sector audit is practised across the world. It summari…
FISCAL ADMINISTRATION, Tenth Edition, gives you the power to understand public finances as a participant who can put the process together, not just as a bystander. With U.S. federal, state, and loc…
FISCAL ADMINISTRATION, Eighth Edition, is based on two principles: that students must understand precisely where the money for public budgets comes from; and that, to learn public finance and budge…
As a small business owner, having knowledge of crucial numbers is the most important tool you can equip yourself with to survive today’s competitive marketplace. If you’re not a numbers person,…
This new edition provides up-to-date information and expert guidance on single audits and Uniform Guidance compliance audit requirements, including example auditor reports for both the financial st…
This timely guide to Islamic financial practice is aimed at banking professionals and corporate investors worldwide. With similarities to 'ethical investment' in the West, Islamic investment is bas…
This book details the difference between the two rating industries, but this difference is converging all the time. The concept of investing in a more responsible and sustainable manner is drawing …