Intermediate Microeconomics and Its Application" by Walter Nicholson and Christopher Snyder provides a comprehensive and accessible exploration of intermediate-level microeconomic theory and its pr…
This book provides a concise overview of the current context and types of public sector audit and the varied structures within which public sector audit is practised across the world. It summari…
An in-depth examination of the core concepts and general principles of Web application development. This book uses examples from specific technologies (e.g., servlet API or XSL), without promoting…
Qualitative Research is changing as a result of postmodern influences which have changed the way research is interpreted and understood. This has prompted questions which have been knocking at the …
Qualitative research has seen a surge of growth during the past decade. This is in large part because positivist approaches have not yielded the kinds of results that had been anticipated, and more…
Recognizing that most students will pursue careers as managers not accountants, Managerial Accounting, 6th Edition by James Jiambalvo focuses on the fundamental topics of managerial accounting, and…
FISCAL ADMINISTRATION, Tenth Edition, gives you the power to understand public finances as a participant who can put the process together, not just as a bystander. With U.S. federal, state, and loc…
FISCAL ADMINISTRATION, Eighth Edition, is based on two principles: that students must understand precisely where the money for public budgets comes from; and that, to learn public finance and budge…
This new edition provides up-to-date information and expert guidance on single audits and Uniform Guidance compliance audit requirements, including example auditor reports for both the financial st…
For undergraduate and graduate courses in AIS The market-leading text with the most comprehensive, flexible coverage of AIS available. This market-leading text delivers the most comprehensive and…