This book provides a concise overview of the current context and types of public sector audit and the varied structures within which public sector audit is practised across the world. It summari…
Recognizing that most students will pursue careers as managers not accountants, Managerial Accounting, 6th Edition by James Jiambalvo focuses on the fundamental topics of managerial accounting, and…
'Financial Accounting for Decision Makers' presents the key concepts of accounting without going into too much unnecessary technical detail. The book is aimed as 'users' of accounting information, …
As a small business owner, having knowledge of crucial numbers is the most important tool you can equip yourself with to survive today’s competitive marketplace. If you’re not a numbers person,…
Accountancy encompasses much more than is normally considered, especially from a social responsibility point of view. This book brings fresh ideas and an innovative approach to accountancy theory a…
This new edition provides up-to-date information and expert guidance on single audits and Uniform Guidance compliance audit requirements, including example auditor reports for both the financial st…
For undergraduate and graduate courses in AIS The market-leading text with the most comprehensive, flexible coverage of AIS available. This market-leading text delivers the most comprehensive and…
Enhance your knowledge of AIS with the latest information Accounting Information Systems, 15th edition by Marshall B. Romney and Paul J. Steinbart provides a comprehensive guide to AIS, with unp…
Hurt's Accounting Information Systems, 2e continues to take a fresh new approach that puts judgment and critical thinking, not technology, at the heart of the AIS course. Using a conversational wri…
Core coverage of business processes, transaction cycles, and internal controls. An understanding of business processes is fundamental to contemporary auditing, and professional and legal considera…